摩 訶 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 心 経
Ma ka han nya ha ra mi ta shin gyo |
Maka Hannya Haramita Shingyo |
Hannya Shingyo is called formally Hannya Haramita
Shingyo. Maka means great. |
観 自 在 菩 薩
Kan ji zai bo satsu |
Kanjizaibosatsu, |
Kanjizaibosatsu is one of the Buddhas. He is not Shaka (563 - 483
B.C.E.), who is the founder of Buddhism. |
行 深 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 時
Gyo jin han nya ha ra mi ta
ji |
When doing practice of profound Hannya Haramita, |
Hannya means supreme wisdom. |
照 見 五 蘊 皆 空
Sho ken go un kai ku |
Perceived all the five elements constituting a human being's mind and
body are nothingness, |
度 一 切 苦 厄
Do i ssai ku yaku |
And released all his suffering and calamity. |
Kanjizaibosatsu released all his suffering and calamity to the realm of satori, and he was freed of all his suffering and calamity. |
舎 利 子
Sha ri shi |
Sharishi, |
Sharishi is a disciple of Kanjizaibosatsu.
色 不 異 空
Shiki fu i ku |
Shiki is no different than ku. |
Shiki(色) means everything that has a form, namely,
空 不 異 色
Ku fu i shiki |
Ku is no different than shiki. |
色 即 是 空
Shiki soku ze ku |
Shiki is ku. |
空 即 是 色
Ku soku ze shiki |
Ku is shiki. |
受 想 行 識
Ju so gyo shiki |
Perception, thinking, will and consciousness |
This shiki(識)
means consciousness.It is understood here that the five elements are
shiki(色), perception, thinking, will and consciousness. |
亦 復 如 是
Yaku bu nyo ze |
Are also the same. |
舎 利 子
Sha ri shi |
Sharishi, |
是 諸 法 空 相
Ze sho ho ku so |
All things are to be ku (nothingness). |
不 生 不 滅
Fu sho fu metsu |
There is no birth and no death. |
不 垢 不 浄
Fu ku fu jo |
There is no dirt and no purity. |
不 増 不 減
Fu zo fu gen |
There is no increase and no decrease. |
是 故 空 中 無 色
Ze ko ku chu mu shiki |
Therefore, there is no shiki (existence) in ku (nothingness). |
無 受 想 行 識
Mu ju so gyo shiki |
There is no perception, no thinking, no will
and no consciousness. |
無 眼 耳 鼻 舌 身 意
Mu gen ni bi ze sshin ni |
There is no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue,
no body and no mind. |
無 色 声 香 味 触 法
Mu shiki sho ko mi soku ho |
There is no color, no sound, no smell, no
taste, no touch and no thought. |
無 眼 界 乃 至 無 意 識 界
Mu gen kai nai shi mu i shiki kai
There is no viewing them, and there is no
perceiving them. |
無 無 明
Mu mu myo |
There is no ignorance. |
亦 無 無 明 尽
Yaku mu mu myo jin |
Ignorance will not disappear, either. |
This statement means because ignorance does
not exist, ignorance cannot disappear. |
乃 至 無 老 死
Nai shi mu ro shi |
There is no aging and no death. |
亦 無 老 死 尽
Yaku mu ro shi jin |
Aging and death will not disappear, either. |
This statement means because aging and death
do not exist, aging and death cannot disappear. |
無 苦 集 滅 道
Mu ku shu metsu do |
There is no suffering and no cause of
suffering. Suffering cannot be erased and there is no way to erase
suffering. |
無 智 亦 無 得
Mu chi yaku mu toku |
There is nothing to know, and there is
nothing to gain. |
以 無 所 得 故
I mu sho toku ko |
There is no gain, and therefore, |
菩 提 薩 垂
Bo dai sa tta |
He who seeks satori |
依 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 故
E han nya ha ra mi ta ko |
Lives Hannya Haramita, and therefore, |
心 無
罣 礙
Shin mu ke ge |
There is no hindrance on his mind. |
罣 礙 故
Mu ke ge ko |
There is no hindrance, and therefore, |
無 有 恐 怖
Mu u ku fu |
There is no fear. |
遠 離 一 切 転 倒 夢 想
On ri i ssai ten do mu so |
Apart from all wrong thoughts and delusions, |
究 境 涅 槃
Ku gyo ne han |
He attains the acme of nirvana. |
三 世 諸 仏
San ze sho butsu |
All past, present and future Buddhas |
依 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 故
E han nya ha ra mi ta ko |
Live Hannya Haramita, and therefore, |
得 阿 耨 多 羅 三 藐 三 菩 提
Toku a noku ta ra san myaku san bo dai |
Can attain the supreme and authentic satori. |
故 知 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多
Ko chi
nya hara mi ta |
Therefore, you had better know Hannya
Haramita as follows. |
是 大 神 呪
Ze dai jin shu |
This is the great and holy mantra. |
是 大 明 呪
Ze dai myo shu |
This is the great mantra for satori. |
是 無 上 呪
Ze mu jo shu |
This is the supreme mantra. |
是 無 等 等 呪
Ze mu to do shu |
This is the incomparable mantra. |
能 除 一 切 苦
No jo i ssai ku |
All suffering will be cleared. |
真 実 不 虚
Shin jitsu fu ko |
This is truth and no falsity. |
故 説 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 呪
Ko setsu han
nya hara mi ta shu |
Therefore, Hannya Haramita's mantra is set
forth. |
即 説 呪 曰
Soku setsu shu watsu |
This mantra is set forth and proclaimed as
follows. |
羯 帝 羯 帝 波 羅 羯 帝
Gya tei gya tei ha ra gya tei |
Reach, reach and reach the realm of satori. |
波 羅 僧 羯 帝
Ha ra so gya tei |
Reach the realm of satori completely. |
菩 提 薩 婆 訶
Bo ji so wa ka |
Thus satori is successful.
般 若 心 経
Han nya shin gyo |
Hannya Shingyo |