
The Original and its English Translation of Hannya Shingyo





摩 訶 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 心 経

Ma ka han nya ha ra mi ta shin gyo

Maka Hannya Haramita Shingyo

Hannya Shingyo is called formally Hannya Haramita Shingyo. Maka means great.




観 自 在 菩 薩

Kan ji zai bo satsu


Kanjizaibosatsu is one of the Buddhas. He is not Shaka (563 - 483 B.C.E.), who is the founder of Buddhism.

行 深 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 時

Gyo jin han nya ha ra mi ta ji

When doing practice of profound Hannya Haramita,

Hannya means supreme wisdom.
Haramita means entering the realm of satori.
Therefore, Hannya Haramita means supreme wisdom for entering the realm of satori.

照 見 五 蘊 皆 空

Sho ken go un kai ku

Perceived all the five elements constituting a human being's mind and body are nothingness,


度 一 切 苦 厄

Do i ssai ku yaku

And released all his suffering and calamity.

Kanjizaibosatsu released all his suffering and calamity to the realm of satori, and he was freed of all his suffering and calamity.




舎 利 子

Sha ri shi


Sharishi is a disciple of Kanjizaibosatsu.


色 不 異 空

Shiki fu i ku

Shiki is no different than ku.

Shiki() means everything that has a form, namely, existence.
) means nothingness.

空 不 異 色

Ku fu i shiki

Ku is no different than shiki.


色 即 是 空

Shiki soku ze ku

Shiki is ku.


空 即 是 色

Ku soku ze shiki

Ku is shiki.


受 想 行 識

Ju so gyo shiki

Perception, thinking, will and consciousness

This shiki() means consciousness.It is understood here that the five elements are shiki(), perception, thinking, will and consciousness.

亦 復 如 是

Yaku bu nyo ze

Are also the same.





舎 利 子

Sha ri shi



是 諸 法 空 相

Ze sho ho ku so

All things are to be ku (nothingness).


不 生 不 滅

Fu sho fu metsu

There is no birth and no death.


不 垢 不 浄

Fu ku fu jo

There is no dirt and no purity.


不 増 不 減

Fu zo fu gen

There is no increase and no decrease.


是 故 空 中 無 色

Ze ko ku chu mu shiki

Therefore, there is no shiki (existence) in ku (nothingness).


無 受 想 行 識

Mu ju so gyo shiki

There is no perception, no thinking, no will and no consciousness.


無 眼 耳 鼻 舌 身 意

Mu gen ni bi ze sshin ni

There is no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body and no mind.


無 色 声 香 味 触 法

Mu shiki sho ko mi soku ho

There is no color, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch and no thought.


無 眼 界 乃 至 無 意 識 界

Mu gen kai nai shi mu i shiki kai 

There is no viewing them, and there is no perceiving them.


無 無 明

Mu mu myo

There is no ignorance.


亦 無 無 明 尽

Yaku mu mu myo jin

Ignorance will not disappear, either.

This statement means because ignorance does not exist, ignorance cannot disappear.

乃 至 無 老 死

Nai shi mu ro shi

There is no aging and no death.


亦 無 老 死 尽

Yaku mu ro shi jin

Aging and death will not disappear, either.

This statement means because aging and death do not exist, aging and death cannot disappear.

無 苦 集 滅 道

Mu ku shu metsu do

There is no suffering and no cause of suffering. Suffering cannot be erased and there is no way to erase suffering.


無 智 亦 無 得

Mu chi yaku mu toku

There is nothing to know, and there is nothing to gain.


以 無 所 得 故

I mu sho toku ko

There is no gain, and therefore,


菩 提 薩 垂

Bo dai sa tta

He who seeks satori


依 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 故

E han nya ha ra mi ta ko

Lives Hannya Haramita, and therefore,


心 無

Shin mu ke ge

There is no hindrance on his mind.


礙 故

Mu ke ge ko

There is no hindrance, and therefore,


無 有 恐 怖

Mu u ku fu

There is no fear.


遠 離 一 切 転 倒 夢 想

On ri i ssai ten do mu so

Apart from all wrong thoughts and delusions,


究 境 涅 槃

Ku gyo ne han

He attains the acme of nirvana.





三 世 諸 仏

San ze sho butsu

All past, present and future Buddhas


依 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 故

E han nya ha ra mi ta ko

Live Hannya Haramita, and therefore,


得 阿 耨 多 羅 三 藐 三 菩 提

Toku a noku ta ra san myaku san bo dai

Can attain the supreme and authentic satori.


故 知 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多

Ko chi han nya hara mi ta

Therefore, you had better know Hannya Haramita as follows.


是 大 神 呪

Ze dai jin shu

This is the great and holy mantra.


是 大 明 呪

Ze dai myo shu

This is the great mantra for satori.


是 無 上 呪

Ze mu jo shu

This is the supreme mantra.


是 無 等 等 呪

Ze mu to do shu

This is the incomparable mantra.


能 除 一 切 苦

No jo i ssai ku

All suffering will be cleared.


真 実 不 虚

Shin jitsu fu ko

This is truth and no falsity.


故 説 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 呪

Ko setsu han nya hara mi ta shu

Therefore, Hannya Haramita's mantra is set forth.


即 説 呪 曰

Soku setsu shu watsu

This mantra is set forth and proclaimed as follows.


羯 帝 羯 帝 波 羅 羯 帝

Gya tei gya tei ha ra gya tei

Reach, reach and reach the realm of satori.


波 羅 僧 羯 帝

Ha ra so gya tei

Reach the realm of satori completely.


菩 提 薩 婆 訶

Bo ji so wa ka

Thus satori is successful.






般 若 心 経

Han nya shin gyo

Hannya Shingyo


Chant Hannya Shingyo Three Times.